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GFZA Licensing & Registration

For investments to be eligible under the Free Zones Scheme, the investment
should satisfy the following conditions:

  • Should be a limited liability company registered with the Registrar Generals’ Department.
  • Should be export-oriented.
  • Should add some value to products/services to be exported.
  • Should be environmentally friendly.

Free zone investors do not require any minimum capital investment. However, investors must indicate their ability to fulfill the minimum 70% export requirement. New investors are required to go through the following steps to obtain a free zone license: Incorporate a company in Ghana with the Registrar General’s Department and obtain Certificates of Incorporation and company’s constitution and these must be submitted together with the following documents;

  • Duly completed GFZA Application Form Purchased Online or at The Office. ($200).
  • Business Plan/Feasibility Study.
  • Evidence of lease or Rental of Land / Factory Premises.
  • Evidence of Export (Memorandum of Understanding/ Letter of Intent with prospective clients).
  • Environmental Protection Agency Permit (where applicable).
  • Evidence of Funding/Capital Transfer.
  • Any other document/information the Authority may require.
If you are an existing business, you would need the following documents;
  • 3 Year Audit Report.
  • SSNIT Clearance Certificate.
  • GRA Clearance Certificate.

The GFZA shall notify the applicant of the status of his/her application for License within 28 working days of receipt of a complete application. A license specifying Authorized activity to be undertaken (i.e. Developer, Manufacturer, Commercial or Service Industry) by the applicant shall be issued to the successful applicant. The investor is required to start operations within 6 months of receiving approval to operate as a Free Zone Enterprise/Developer.

An initial/renewal license fee shall be paid as follows:

Activity Initial Fees Annual Renewal Fee
Developer US $5,000 US $4,000
Manufacturing US $3,000 US $2,500
Service US $4,000 US $3,000
Commercial US $10,000 US $5,000

You have 3 days to complete the application form. Obtain all the necessary documents and requirements before you start the application process.

After payment, you will be redirected to start filling the application form.

Having trouble with payment? Visit the office to purchase the form.